Next-generation remote sensing AI and hardware

At Falconers, we digitize the Earth using cutting-edge sensing technologies.

Our vision is to overcome Moore’s Curse for sensing by building efficient sensor systems and analytics processes.

Have an idea or challenge? We are at your disposal with our R&D services in the fields of novel sensor applications, machine learning and digital twin architectures.

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The most energy efficient and highest performings systems can be achieved through joint R&D of both hardware and software.

Sensor radar

Optimized sensor and data processing

The key to ensuring sensing system reliability in Edge systems and RF-denied environments is optimized hardware. We have experience developing hardware for ground as well as space payload carriers, from high resolution cameras to novel optical sensors and radars.

Optical sensor imaging

Event-based and multispectral imaging

Optical sensing has made a decisive leap forward, giving machines with novel sensors and intelligence the capacity to detect and assess what would be left unseen for the human – subtle or fast movements, complex patterns, traces left in the environment or camouflaged objects.

Data graphs visualised charts

Post-processing data to knowledge

Our AI and machine vision toolset can be tuned to autonomously observe, detect and track situational developments of areas/objects of interest. This gathered data can be then visualized or observed as historical data or in real-time.

Radar picture of landscape with object detection

If we can run AI onboard satellites, we can help your device decrease energy budgets.

When building autonomous devices or ISTAR systems, which require sensor dataprocessing, machine learning and AI, there is the challenge of computational cost. Depending on the use-case this can be power consumption limits in Edge devices, hardware constraints for device geometry/mass or physical limits of off-the-shelf computational components.

Lose weight, gain speed - for sensing AI

Conserve Energy

Analyzing sensor data on the Edge is becoming the norm as data volumes increase exponentially. Eliminating energy waste can go a long way for longer battery cycles, preventing unwanted heat in electronics and system reliance longevity. 

Save on hardware

Higher efficiency sensor-AI combinations can reduce the mass, volume and cost of devices with potentially having a positive “snowball effect” on the entire system. This translates to more cost-efficient and lighter bill-of-materials.

Enhance range

Optimising the real-time data processing can help reach higher goals: beit faster reaction speeds, increase in range or accuracy. Former bottlenecks can translate to competitive advantages

Our team aims to provide R&D services to enhance Your products data conversion to knowledge.